We're dedicated to partnering with parents to lead children to become fully devoted followers of Jesus by experientially learning to live the rhythms of life with Him in order to become more like Him. Through interactive praise, worship, activities, bible lessons and more, children ages birth to 14 are able to explore what it means to be rooted and built up in Christ as they seek to be and to make disciples for the Kingdom!
"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7 NIV
Movie Night

Join us for Queen Esther on Friday, May 6! Supper is at 5 PM and the movie starts at 5:30. Click the blue-and-white N in the lower right corner of any page to sign up.
Kids' Prayer Meeting
Humility is the main ingredient for prayer. When we pray, we are saying that God is merciful and mighty, that He is wise and sovereign, and that He knows far better than us what is best for us. The best way to stay humble is to spend time in the presence of someone greater. We learn humility as we spend time with God and open our hearts to Him in prayer.
Children ages 5–11 will be meeting on the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 3:15–5:30 PM in the Kindergarten room for food, music, Bible study, prayer, crafts and games. If your child is a student at SLA, there will be chaperones available to walk them over from the school to the College Church for your convenience. Please register below by clicking the button below.
You will only have to register your child for prayer meeting once, not every week. We just need to get the OK to escort the children from SLA to the church.
When CC Kids are having a Zoom meeting, you can join by clicking the button below. If needed:
- Meeting ID: 821 1525 0939
- Passcode: 401841
Kids’ Worship
A fun and interactive worship experience for children ages birth–14. Meets the last Sabbath of each month from 11:15 AM–12:30 PM (please see the bulletin for occasional changes in the schedule).
Sermon Activity Booklets
Try out our new sermon activity booklet, designed with our younger worshippers in mind! Each week a member of the CC Kids team will distribute the sermon activity booklet at the beginning of service. Listen closely because throughout the sermon, the pastor/speaker will share key texts, words and phrases that the children can find in their booklet to help guide them through the sermon. Children are invited to study and play along with us as we find creative ways to help each other understand some of the bigger concepts.
At the end of service, simply have your child turn in their completed activity booklet to the CC Kids team member of the day or to Ms. Nicole, and they will receive points for completion. At the end of the month, they will have access to the CC Kids Cupboard to redeem points for rewards. If they need more time, they can email their completed packet to cckids@wearecc.net or bring it with them to service the following week.
We want our CC Kids to know that they are important members of our church family and that we are here to support them to become actively engaged worshippers who are seeking to know more about God’s love manifested in and through their lives!