Caring for the needy and for God's house
Your donations enable us to care for the everyday needs and the ministries of our church, which include:
- feeding the hungry at the WHEAT Community Café and in our holiday food drive
- ministering to young parents in our Wednesday morning playtime
- ministering to the community at our annual Choose Wellness health fair
- supporting South Lancaster Academy
- making needed repairs to our building
- keeping our church warm in the winter and cool in the summer
- fixing our roof and taking care of other physical plant needs
- and much more!

How to Give
Besides putting a donation in the offering plate, you can:
- Use our Adventist Giving page online (see below).
- Use the Adventist Giving app for iPhone or Android.
- Mail a check to: PO Box 877, So. Lancaster, MA 01561-0877.
- Sponsor a flower arrangement.
About Online Donations
You can use a credit or debit card, but the electronic check option avoids card processing fees, so more of your donation is usable.
- For an electronic check you need the routing transit number and account number (see below) from the bottom of your checks, or call your bank.
- Adventist Giving can save this info so that you only need to enter it once.

See the bottom of the page for important info on year-end donations. Questions? Please email the treasurers.
Yes! I want to support our church and the community!
Year-end Donations
Please turn in donations as noted below for them to count in this tax year. Make sure we have your current mailing address so you can get your donation statement.
2023 Deadlines
Offering Plate | Sabbath, Dec. 30. |
Church Office | Sabbath, Dec. 30, right after church. |
Online | Sunday, Dec. 31, 11:59 PM Eastern time. |
Post Office (check their service hours) |
Must be postmarked by Dec. 31 and received by Jan. 7. |